Sunday, 1 January 2012

Sky Scarf Project for 2012

Happy New Year.
I have decided to do this Conceptual Knitting project. I had seen it on the internet last year and thought it was a brilliant idea. But this morning I was reminded of it by fellow crafters online and decided that I would give it a go. 
Basically, it is a year long project wherein you knit a scarf, two rows a day, in the colour of the sky on that day. I have slight OCD and so a project like this has to be started at a good time and 1st January seemed like the perfect time to begin. Obviously I didn't have time to go out and buy yarn but luckily as I'm such a hoarder, I already have all the colours I think I'll need.
In the process I have also joined Ravelry, so that's another website to eat up my crafting time by looking at more things I want to make. Luckily I'm not too much of a knitter, but this project is just done in simple garter stitch, so really even the most inexperienced knitter should be able to give it a go.
There is a group on Ravelry of knitters all over the world who are taking on this project and they are adding their pictures to Flickr
One lady said that she was casting on 46 stitches because that's how old she is while she's knitting it, I like that idea so I have pinched it and done the same (not 46 though!).
I will post updates of how I'm getting on, hopefully I won't abandon it like all my other knitting projects, seeing as it's only a row a day, I should be able to find the time...

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